Within the guide, I share my personal journey while addressing my own issue with smoking, which lead to the development of, what I now call, The Approach'. Later it became obvious that this approach could be used in a personalise weight management program. It's main aim is simple, to transform your perspective on your eating habits by providing a unique motivational tool that has proven successful. Furthermore, I explore the intricacies of the digestive system because, and lets be honest, how many of us truly understand the inner workings of our own stomachs? How do we recognise hunger signals? What is the scientific explanation behind it? It's likely we know more about how our vacuum cleaners works than our own bodies.
I present a comprehensive plan to condition and educate our stomachs to adopt a healthier eating routine and reduce food consumption. This method has proven to be effective for me, my family and friends, with one of them suggesting.. "You really should write a book about this, Phil." So I did and here it is.